THE RALLY: will be a low pressure timed organized drive on public roads starting and ending in Westchester County. You will be asked to follow directions given to you at the start. Entrants should have a light for reading route instructions, a watch, paper, and a pen or pencil as well as something to write on (such as a clip board). A four function calculator may be helpful. No auxiliary lights above headlight level will be needed or allowed. (Note that NYS law prohibits such lights). No hand held spot lights, please. No alcoholic beverages allowed before or during the rally. More than two people in a car will be appropriately penalized. No drive only cars will be allowed.
THE EVENT: will start from Grand Prix New York parking lot, 333 North Bedford Road (Rt 117), Mt. Kisco, NY and end at Amore Pizzeria & Italian Kitchen 1 Kent Place, Armonk NY (914) 273 3535.
REGISTRATION: opens at 5 PM and continues to 6:30 PM. There will be a drivers’ meeting at approximately 6:30 PM. Cars will be sent off at 7:00 + the car number in minutes (i.e. Car 35 leaves at 7:00 + 35 minutes or 7:35). Entry fee is $20.00 ($15.00 for WSCC members) per car.
TROPHIES: awarded to top 10% (To qualify for an award, a team must finish). A WSCC Credit Certificate (good for free entry at any WSCC event) may be chosen in place of a traditional trophy. Dash Plaques will be given to all entrants.
FUTURE RALLIES: Turkey Tour – November 17, 2018
For more information call: (203) 536 1768
or visit our internet address: HTTP://WWW.WSCC.ORG